We had a great 4
th this year! Joe, Sailor and I began the day with a smooth boat ride and wonderful breakfast on the water. We highly recommend Arrow Head resort and
Caney Creek "Papa Joe's" for breakfast, they are both great! Breakfast on the lake is our new thing since I either have to ride really early or really late in the boat to miss the waves. plus I am really loving to eat these days! We spent the afternoon at Nana and
Pop's pool, which was very refreshing. Nana cooked most of the day and I must say our meal was awesome. Steak, twice baked potatoes, grilled veggies,
courtesy of Bruce, salad, grilled corn on the cob and topped off with Hot Fudge Cake! Did I say I was loving to eat these days? After supper we went back out on the lake for a relaxing pontoon boat ride, or I should say float for 360* of fireworks, without any crowds! Great day, great fun!