Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brighton is 4 months!

Earlier this month Brighton had his 4 month check up. I haven't been able to tell if his personality is much different than Sailor's but his growing methods sure are!!!

4 month stats:
Weight 18lb 2.5oz...94%
Length 26.5in.....91%
head circumference...43.5cm...80%

He has two teeth, he is rolling over and he has found his feet too.

Visit with Santa!

Last week Sailor finally decided she wanted to go see Santa. All was good until the little girl right in front of us pitched a royal fit. I tried distracting but Sailor was focused on her. When it was our turn I could feel Sailor's legs tighten around my waist as we got close. We sat Brighton down and he was just hanging out then Sailor began to refuse. Santa offered a candy cane which she loves. She almost stood beside and held Brighton's hand which would have been fine, however, when mommy went to get out of the picture so did Sailor. Finally with a threat of giving the candy cane back she decided to sit on the arm of the chair with a very concerned look on her face. Brighton was happy the whole time and Sailor did tell Santa with a very serious face..."I want a baby doll".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Pop!

Happy birthday Pop!!!!!
We love you

Brighton update!

This post is long over do! Brighton will be 4 months old tomorrow. He rolled over for the first time on November 14th! He is smiling soooo much. He cannot keep a straight face without smiling. He had his fist bowl of cereal last night and loved it! I haven't weighed him lately but I think he is about to catch Sailor! I really hope to do better at my spare time!!