My dad turned 60 on December 4th as you probably saw from an earlier post. He clearly said he did not want a party so we all decided to go away somewhere we had never been. I made reservations at a Harbor near the coast of North Carolina before realizing how long the drive was. Anyway, Dad, Mom, Heather and the boys drove over Thursday evening and Joe, Sailor and I left out after he played ball that night. We arrived around 3:30am and Sailor slept the whole way! This was great being that we took the truck with no DVD! We had a really good time! Friday morning after eating breakfast we went downtown New Bern. There were really cute unique shops and amazing historical homes, which I absolutely loved looking at. Sailor had her 1st taste of Pepsi at the Birth of Pepsi museum! That night we did end up having a little surprise party for dad. Joe and I decorated our room with a banner Heather made and she even had her kids at school make him "60" birthday cards! He sat and read every one of them. It took a while! Saturday we headed to the coast to the North Carolina Aquarium. Sailor loves fish and had a great time. After the aquarium we went to the beach to play for a while. There was no way we were going that far without putting our feet in the ocean! Later that evening we went to Fort Macon a Civil War Fort on the coast which was amazing! My pictures don't do it justice. We ended the night with a Flotilla on the harbor which was a bit of a let down. I think the Caney Creek Flotilla probably put this one to shame, but we did have a great dinner at a local seafood house called M.J.'s! Needless to say we were a little tired from our packed weekend but I am so glad we went. We had a great time!

Sailor tasting her 1st Pepsi!

Shopping downtown New Bern, N.C.
Sailor the Crab!
Now that is a big trout, of course, daddy said he's caught bigger!
Notice the sting ray face on the right!
Not another frog picture mom!

Playing by the lake at our condo!

We love the beach, even if it is cold!

I'm one!
Just a swingin!

Fort Macon

Blurry Flotilla!