Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas party at the Daugherty's

I have been a very bad blogger lately. I don't even think I will try to catch up but just fill in a few gaps. Between shopping, decorating, working, playing, cooking and sleeping, I am not sure where any free time goes anymore! Oh yeah, I almost forgot to add in a stomach bug that ran through the whole family. So anyway enough excuses!
A couple of weeks ago we went to a fun Christmas party at the Daugherty's. Sailor had such a good time running around all the boys. I say running around instead of running around with the boys, because for now she can run circles around them! The are all growing and changing, it won't be long untill she is having to keep up. Despite the terrible display of ball Tennesse played that day, we all had a great time kicking off the holidays with good friends and of course, good food!

The whole gang!

Sailor's 3 amigos

Sailor and I got lucky #1 pick on the dirty Santa game. Sorry Donnie for stealing your movie night gift. By the way "I am Legend" is really good, you'll have to borrow it!


Owings Family said...

Welcome back! We actually had the stomach bug too! Not fun... I would rather go through childbirth again than that! I'm glad that you are all feeling better and hope you had a great Christmas!

Anonymous said...

We all had it this winter, too-yuck! Can't wait til the next get together!